In late November A K Casino Knights were booked for a poker night in Joe Macari’s performance car showroom! We provided a poker table, croupier and cards and chips for a fun packed three hours of play. Th guys ranged from novice to experienced and our croupiers are all well versed to teach everyone at every level of experience.
If you would like to book your very own poker tournament? or poker game ? Send a quote form through to us for expert event advice and fro expert croupiers.
Book with A K Casino Knights
If you would like to book your fun casino hire, themed hire, personalised extras, lighting or more please contact us today
If you have a date and venue or a location and you would like a quote, please fill out our online quote form. Click the button below and we will get back to you with available options.
Call A K Casino Knights today and have a chat with one of our friendly staff members. If there is no answer, leave us a message and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Alternatively, pop us across an email with your requirements. Our email address is below, just copy and paste and we will email you back with available options and packages.
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